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2023-10-14 22:42:46      来源:千龙网   阅读量:9371   


绿色能源、绿色基建、绿色交通、绿色金融和绿色科技等蓬勃发展,绿色成为高质量共建一带一路的鲜明底色。郑州-卢森堡绿色空中丝绸之路、 肯尼亚middot;蒙内铁路等一大批绿色合作项目在共建国家生根。



Looking back to the Belt and Road Initiative over a decade, itrsquo;s not difficult to tell that it is a path of ecological conservation, and a path of green development.

In 2015, China proposed to promote ecological progress in investment and trade, increase cooperation in conserving the eco-environment, protect biodiversity, tackle climate change, and join hands to make the Silk Road an environment-friendly route.

China develops green energy, green infrastructure, and green transportation, while advancing green finance, green trading, and green technology.

A significant number of green collaboration projects have taken root in the BRI countries, such as the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Air Silk Road, and the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway in Kenya.

Over the past decade, China has launched the Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on Green Development with more than 30 countries, over 40 domestic and international institutions have joined the BRI International Green Development Coalition.

China has provided training for over 3,000 talents in green development in more than 120 BRI countries.

Lands apart, sky shared. Green future, dream declared.


绿色能源、绿色基建、绿色交通、绿色金融和绿色科技等蓬勃发展,绿色成为高质量共建一带一路的鲜明底色。郑州-卢森堡绿色空中丝绸之路、 肯尼亚middot;蒙内铁路等一大批绿色合作项目在共建国家生根。



Looking back to the Belt and Road Initiative over a decade, itrsquo;s not difficult to tell that it is a path of ecological conservation, and a path of green development.

In 2015, China proposed to promote ecological progress in investment and trade, increase cooperation in conserving the eco-environment, protect biodiversity, tackle climate change, and join hands to make the Silk Road an environment-friendly route.

China develops green energy, green infrastructure, and green transportation, while advancing green finance, green trading, and green technology.

A significant number of green collaboration projects have taken root in the BRI countries, such as the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Air Silk Road, and the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway in Kenya.

Over the past decade, China has launched the Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on Green Development with more than 30 countries, over 40 domestic and international institutions have joined the BRI International Green Development Coalition.

China has provided training for over 3,000 talents in green development in more than 120 BRI countries.

Lands apart, sky shared. Green future, dream declared.


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